Find out about advantages and precautions when buying used property
Buying property is always a heavily evaluated topic. As it is a durable and costly good, the buyer must consider a number of details before opting for the purchase. When it comes to the purchase of used property – which usually attract the cheaper price compared to new ones and the larger space they offer –, adopting some specific precautions can make the transaction occur safely. The first one concerns the conservation and technical aspects of the property. They are often old buildings, which may have deteriorated over time. When 52-year-old interior designer Paulo Brites went to buy the apartment where he now lives, the property was already over 50 years old and had problems caused by natural wear and tear. “Hydraulic columns had leaks, the electrical part was obsolete, the coatings were worn and there was a closet infested with termites,” he says. Due to its privileged location in the central region and having an affordable sale ...